Credit Score In 5 Easy Steps
1. Pay Your Credit Card Balance You should use lower than 30 percent whatsmind of your credit card limit. It would help if you didn’t use a lot on your credit card. High credit score people will tend to use less than seven percent of their limit. Keep your balance low. Pay down the balance before your billing cycle ends. You can also make sure you pay a few times during the month, so you keep the balance low. 2. Get a Higher Credit Limit Increase your credit limit as well. When the credit limit increases and your balance remains, you’ll lower credit utilization. This will end up improving your credit. You can get a higher limit if your income increases or you add years of positive credit experience. Call your credit card issuer. You can ask about getting a higher limit. See if you can avoid a hard credit inquiry. Any hard credit inquiry will lower your score by a few points. After the higher limit gets reported, it will lower doingbuzz your credit utilization. Make sure you don